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2024/03/21 - Video Released!

Dear fellow believer,

We are excited and thankful, to announce the release of our first video on the topic of Evolution vs. Creation!

For decades, the public has been brainwashed through the media to believe that, through continual scientific discoveries, it has been proven that we have moved beyond doubtful religion to scientific facts about the origin of the universe and life.

The implication of this propaganda, is that the Genesis account of Creation would be ‘proven’ a fable, thus setting the stage for disregarding the rest of the Torah (Pentateuch) and ultimately ‘proving’ that the Bible as a whole is unreliable and that the biblical faith is just another questionable religion.

In this presentation, Evolution is evaluated against the laws of science as well as official definitions of religion.

So, which religion turns out to be a questionable religion?
Evolution, a dishonest religion!!

Shalom in Yeshua Mashiach!

The Van Rensburg family

2024/02/16 –​ Serbian, Hungarian and Spanish Translations Update

While we have been busy working on vowel-pointing the Hebrew Revelation, and revising the translation to prepare it for printing, good progress has also been made with translations into several other languages, for which we are thankful and excited.

Apart from Jude and several chapters of John, a few chapters of the Hebrew Revelation are now also available in Hungarian, accompanied by explanatory videos and audio recordings of the translated text!

Several more videos on the Creator's Name YHWH have also been completed with translated Spanish subtitles, including video 11 (Did the Hebrew vowel points originate from Moses) and video 12 (The true pronunciation of the Creator's Name, part A).

Other good news is that the entire Hebrew Gospel of John has been translated into Serbian and is now available on our website! There is still a lot of interest in Serbia (and surrounding countries) to pursue the full truth and to investigate the Hebrew New Testament Scriptures, so we believe that this is a big step forward in spreading the truth.

All honor be to Yahweh through his Son, Yeshua Mashiach!

Below is a short note from the Serbian translator:

Poruka od prevodioca:

Hebrejsko Jevanđelje po Johananu je tekst koji otvara oči i daje mnogo bolji uvid u sam život Ješue, njegovo učenje i okruženje u kojem je živeo. I to radi na mnogo bolji način nego svi ostali prevodi koji su korišteni u velikom broju. Nadam se da će ovaj prevod biti blagoslov za svakoga ko ga čita, kao što je bio za nas dok smo ga prevodili. Ako želite da podržite ovaj rad zamolili bi smo vas da se molite za nas i za sve ljude koji su ovom projektu.

Šalom u Ješui HaMašijahu.

Shalom in Yeshua Mashiach!

The Van Rensburg family

2023/07/14 – Big news for small screens!

It is with much excitement and thanksgiving to Elohim that we can share the good news... the first release of the Hebrew Gospels App is now live on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

Follow link below for direct links to the installation pages.

For those who have not heard yet: In the past, various people have suggested that we consider making a mobile app - so that the translations may be easily read while on the go, plus to be able to quote and share scriptures with others.

It turned out that a brother in Yeshua (from Canada) was led by Elohim to develop a professional mobile app for the Hebrew Gospels - for free! We are so thankful to Yahweh for His goodness!!

This first release also includes a Hebrew section with all the transcripts that have been completed.

Please pray with us that this App will be used by Yahweh as a great blessing to a myriad of individuals, especially to help turn hearts back to their Creator and Messiah, Yeshua...

Thanks again to our brother in Yeshua for this generous gift!

Much Shalom in Yeshua Mashiach, the Van Rensburg Family

2023/06/24 – Short Video Added!

The most frequent name in the Bible?

We are excited to let you know that we have compiled a short video which explains the importance of the Creator's name, YHWH:

Take a guess: What is the most frequent name in the Hebrew Bible?

Many people are not even aware of the most commonly used name in the Hebrew Bible. The names of idols are preserved in most English Bibles, but not the Creator's name! People think it makes no difference, but is that really true?

We hope that this short video will help you to grasp the importance of the name YHWH and encourage you to share this truth with family and friends.

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